La Folie de Noël by DSH Perfumes

Ho Ho Ho POSSEEEEEE! It’s so close I can taste the credit card debt. 5 weeks. I am already here in Sydney getting into the Christmas Spirit, not spirits: though it was a very near thing. Just for fun I… Continue Reading

Christmas Fragrances and New Years Eve 2013/4?

Heya Perfume Posse, Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies and it’s hard to believe another great Christmas is over. When my Mum died I was so lucky that my BFFs family took me in for their celebrations for ten years while… Continue Reading

PERFUME: The Art & Craft of Fragrance by Karen Gilbert

Heya POSSE PEEPS, Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies running concurrently on both blogs today. Christmas is round the corner and if there is anyone interested in fragrance in your life that likes to read then I’ve found the perfect book.… Continue Reading