How I Met Your Uncle Karl

Funny how things come about on this blog.  Today we’re going to discuss Your Uncle Karl – and how I met him.  This is happening because of the Comfort Zone posts of the past few days, at least tangentially.  Also… Continue Reading

It’s Not You

Posse!  It’s Not You.  It’s me.  And it’s really not either of us – it’s perfume.  Have you ever made a Bad Perfume Decision?  I just did – and I Blame Chemistry (not body, per se –  more Better Living… Continue Reading

Solid Girls

When I was in my late teens I fell in love with the 1940s version of Pride and Prejudice.  Of course, I was Elizabeth Bennet … of course.  Late teens. I’m now at A Certain Age.  And, with age,  identifications… Continue Reading