Gold Man by Amouage

Hi there Posse, The Northern Hemisphere is in the thrall of summer. Sweltering days and sweaty nights. Normally we would reach for the cooling draughts of 4711, Malle’s Geranium Pour Monsieur and Jacomo Silences. Excellent refreshers all. Often I have a… Continue Reading

Bleu Turquoise by Armani Privé

Hello Perfumed Posse People! Bleu Turquoise arrived in my latest Surrender To Chance order. I really love a few of the Armani Privé fragrances, Cuir Amethyste is a staple on my favourites tray. I was totally bummed when they DCd Bois d’Encens before… Continue Reading

La Colonia by Oliver & Co

Hello Posse. Jin and I are far and away on our Honeymoon, up here in the late Northern Hemisphere spring. What better way to celebrate that than to sniff one of the most vibrant and interesting colognes available in the… Continue Reading

Black Orchid by Tom Ford

Hi there Posse! Black Orchid was a huge hit, still is. If Tom Ford did nothing else after it he would still be revered. Actually if he had stopped here and not gone on to a Montale like array of… Continue Reading

Mitzah by DIOR

Hey there Perfume Posse! What’s new with you? I have recently grabbed out of the collection my bottle of Mitzah. It’s been hiding away because I’ve been to scared to use it since it was basically DCd. They still make… Continue Reading

Honeymoon Fragrance: Jin + Portia

Hey Hey Posse! Last year Jin and I got married. It was one of the craziest, most wonderful and terrifying months of my life. We had friends and family descend from over the world. Tara from A Bottled Rose and… Continue Reading

Music For A While by Frederic Malle

Music For a While Frederic Malle Fragrantica

Hiya Perfume Posse! A sample of Music For A While came recently in my Surrender To Chance order. We had sniffed it last year at Le Bon Marché in Paris and had a wonderful hour or so with the SA there. I… Continue Reading