Saint Honore by Nicolai Parfumeur Createur

Hiya Posse, It seems that my Happy Surprises 2024 post did not have my review for Saint Honore (YES I know Saint Honoré but SEO). The title was there but not the spiel which was supposed to be there but… Continue Reading

Collection Intense Nicolai Travel Trio

Hi Posse. Lately I’ve been on a spending spree. Almost all of it perfume related. It’s not like I need more perfume, quite the opposite. Sometimes I think my addiction is acquisition, rather than fragrance. I was very excited to… Continue Reading

Cuir Cuba Intense by Nicolai Parfumeur Createur

Hey Posse, Way back in 2015 Cuir Cuba Intense was already on my To Buy List. Interestingly, at that time we were just doing up the apartment we now live in and I was on a bit of a No… Continue Reading

Eau Soleil by Parfum de Nicolai

Hi Posse, Eau Soleil is by one of the most iconic modern perfumers; Patricia de Nicolai. She was shunned by her family at Guerlain for being a woman. The Guerlain story could have evolved so much differently if the old… Continue Reading

Rose Royale by Parfum de Nicolai 2017

Rose Royale Parfums de Nicolaï

Hi Posse! PHEW! That’s Xmas done & dusted around here. I really need to get talking about something unrelated in any way. There has been a manufacturers carded sample floating around my desk for a while. It came with a… Continue Reading

Week End by Parfums de Nicolaï 2009

Helloooooooo Posseeeee! Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies with a new to me favourite that I grabbed in a collectors clear out. We are in Summer down under but the weather really can’t decide what it wants to do. Yesterday was… Continue Reading