Vintage Coty Chypre and My Comfort Zone

We have been a bit about our comfort zones, lately, whether staying in them or breaking out of them, or merely musing about how ours may be a little bit different than others and might be decidedly less comforting to… Continue Reading

An Exercise in Restraint: Serge Lutens Daim Blond and Miel de Bois

Thanks to all of who wrote on here or on FacePlace sending me thoughts about the rainstorms. We have had a few more since last week but it seems to be the last of them for a bit. I’ve been… Continue Reading

Happy New Year!

Well New Years has come and gone. I didn’t make any resolutions this year, feeling (blaming? Making excuses?) that the past hew years have been so tumultuous that I would just try to cruise on, keeping my head, and it’s… Continue Reading

NYE 2023

Hey there Posse! Well, you made it through the silly season and now we have the end of another year. NYE 2023 is upon us. It’s been a lovely year for me. Finally back working and travelling. Still enjoying life… Continue Reading

Serge Lutens Clair de Musc, Muscs Kublai Khan and Kiehl’s Original Musk

Now that it’s autumn, the days are getting shorter and the temps have (briefly) flirted with something resembling chilly here in SoCal (we even had rain over the weekend!) I find myself wanting to grab some more wintery scents. Some… Continue Reading

Bapteme du Feu by Serge Lutens

Hey Posse, Bapteme du Feu is a 2016 released Serge Lutens fragrance. I didn’t discover it for a couple of years. Mine is in the new packaging and the juice is very dark. Bought a bottle, sprayed it a few times,… Continue Reading

Five O’Clock Au Gingembre Serge Lutens

Hey Posse, Five O’Clock Au Gingembre is my all time most worn Serge Lutens fragrance. I’m into my second bottle, and that’s saying quite a lot considering the amount of fragrance in this apartment. I wore it on Xmas Day… Continue Reading