Les Deserts d’Orient by Guerlain LIVE Video Sniff

YIPEE! Welcome back to the POSSE, You’re with Portia from AustralianPerfumeJunkies, EmmaKate and I are back in front of the camera proving to one and all that we love perfume but know only the outer edges of anything important relating… Continue Reading

Leather Perfume – Comprehensive Guide to Best Leather Perfume

Best Leather perfume.  What a paradox, when you consider that originally perfume was used to mask the scent of hides used for gloves, boots and garments.  And the long, exalted history of leather glovemakers scenting their creations that evolved into… Continue Reading

Go big or go home: Powerhouse scents

One recent dreary morning I could hardly drag myself out of bed and get moving. Cold, drizzly, gray, no sun in sight for the whole day: What’s a girl (or guy) to do? So I put on my favorite royal-blue… Continue Reading

Bookish Portia Reads Mandy Aftel, Luca Turin and Dariush Alavi

Hey Hey Posse Peeps!! It’s Portia from AustralianPerfumeJunkies and I have another trilogy of books to add to your tottering piles of MUST READ tomes. Yes they are perfume centric! I have something for everyone today from novices to manufacturers.… Continue Reading