Le Flacon Sac for Guerlain L’art & La Matière

OK Posse, I know I’m behind the eight ball here but we don’t have it in Oz yet. I found, on the Guerlain France site, their new Le Flacon Sac! Released adjacent to the L’art & La Matière series and reprising my favourite of their cases basketweave pattern (on the right in the Mitsouko pic). O M G! I’m seriously about to hyperventilate at its utter perfection.

Maybe I’m not SO late to the party. It says nouveau and is on the front page of the Franch Guerlain site.

Le Flacon Sac for Guerlain L’art & La Matière

SERIOUSLY! Shut Up! Can you believe it?

Le Flacon Sac for Guerlain L'art & La Matière

OK, details. Le Flacon Sac hold 20ml and are retailing for €175. If I was flush with cash right now there would be 10 of them winging their way to me RIGHT NOW!

Le Flacon Sac for Guerlain L'art & La Matière

Yes, I know it’s ridiculously expensive. Also yes, I understand that it would sit in a drawer unused because who can choose what to use it for? BUT what a sensational way to get spritzing the juice in my bee bottles. They sit in a cupboard unused and ignored. I think Promenade des Anglais and L’Heure de Nuit are the two I’d want to use. It seems ridiculous that they remain pretty much unworn.

Tell me, do you want one or two too?
Portia xx

  • Eldarwen22 says:

    Almost $200 for an empty travel spray? Little rich for my blood. If it carried SDV, Mitsouko, Shalimar or L’heure de Nuit, I would be able to justify the cost a little more. The older I get, the cheaper I seem to get.

  • AnnieA says:

    Yes indeed I want one! I still have half a bee bottle of Vetiver Pour Elle so I know what I would put in it.

  • Tom says:

    They’re completely ridiculous and yes, I want!

  • March says:

    Where’d my comment go?! I think that is stunning, and yet I’d never be able to choose what goes into it! So I guess the money might as well go toward another bottle of perfume…

    • Portia says:

      Yeah March but it’s a piece of ART! It doesn’t even need perfume. A spotlight and a place of significance.
      Portia xx

  • Maggiecat says:

    Where’s a winning lottery ticket when you need one???

  • Musette says:

    Uh…. yes. but. Uh… no. Unless it was a lovely gift!

    Alas… since those types of gifts are now … heck, I don’t even know where they would now come from…I am content to enjoy them from afar.

    I have a gorgeous Creed flacon sac (in pale aqua) that does me just fine!

  • Dina C. says:

    That’s beautiful but so spendy. If I received one as a gift I’d fill it up with Mademoiselle Guerlain. Put it on your Christmas wish list! It’s not too early. I just bought an Xmas gift for my daughter the other day.

    • Portia says:

      We will be back in Paris soon enough DinaC. I’ll splurge then, if they’re still a thing. If not then money saved.
      Portia xx

  • MMKinPA says:

    Absolutely beautiful, but there is no reality where I would buy one of those – an empty bottle… then again, I haven’t been in the high end perfume market, ever.

  • cinnamon says:

    This is very pretty — and a very classy way to carry your perfume out and about (pull it out in the lobby of Le Crillon in Paris and spritz 🙂 ). But, sorry, definitely way too much change for me for an empty bottle. However, if someone were to gift it I wouldn’t say no …