Le Flacon Sac for Guerlain L’art & La Matière

OK Posse, I know I’m behind the eight ball here but we don’t have it in Oz yet. I found, on the Guerlain France site, their new Le Flacon Sac! Released adjacent to the L’art & La Matière series and… Continue Reading

Memorial Day

Well, this weekend is Memorial Day here in the old USofA. According to Wikipedia Memorial Day “is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States.”… Continue Reading

Unobtanium: Guerlain Sous le Vent

The discussion the last week about what to wear to court (I wore Derby, an also discontinued Guerlain that a commenter wrote might be reissued) made mention of Sous le Vent, which was a reissue I purchased at the same… Continue Reading

Bread: Or, The One Where I am Lazy

Okay, so I am joining the “Brief” team and certainly surpassing it, Surpassing it because I have no excuse for not having much to write about except that I had nothing to do on the long weekend and decided to… Continue Reading

The Nose Knows

Well, it’s happened again. Whatever bug that’s been going around I got. Not Covid (I tested twice) and not terrible: just coughing and runny nose and an inability to smell anything that isn’t, shall we say, a bit definite in… Continue Reading

Blame Cinnamon: Reading Cookbooks Part Deux

Well, I am calling this one “Blame Cinnamon” because it’s just too much of a title to write “Blame Tom For Being a Lazy Hog Who Spent the Entire Holiday Doing Nothing But Watching Bad Movies on Netflix and Eating… Continue Reading