Glug Glug
Sorry kids- no post for this week. The weekend kind of disappeared into preparing for the big storm, which did arrive big. Thank goodness it was not as big as it was in other parts of the city (or the… Continue Reading
Sorry kids- no post for this week. The weekend kind of disappeared into preparing for the big storm, which did arrive big. Thank goodness it was not as big as it was in other parts of the city (or the… Continue Reading
Well New Years has come and gone. I didn’t make any resolutions this year, feeling (blaming? Making excuses?) that the past hew years have been so tumultuous that I would just try to cruise on, keeping my head, and it’s… Continue Reading
It’s been in the 40s here the past few days which is absolute heaven, not having to bundle up against the wind and icy chill. I got together yesterday with a friend I haven’t seen in awhile and made a… Continue Reading
Well, First off let me wish everyone a belated Happy Holidays. I hope yours was pleasant and uneventful- I write the latter since here in the US Southern California seems to be the only place that isn’t experiencing ghastly weather.… Continue Reading
Well, the holidays are firmly upon us. Here in SoCal we have gone (or are repordedly going) from wet and rainy to picture perfect- the days should be flirting with 80 inland and the evenings cool, but not cold. Just… Continue Reading
This week both Cinnamon and March have talked about the holidays, the weather and what we do around now- the holiday traditions. I’ve talked about some of this before, and since we have had a slew of (very much needed)… Continue Reading
My mom never baked, but I was introduced to the wonderful world of holiday baked goods at the Lutheran church I grew up in. Those folks knew a thing or two about baked goods (and strong coffee). The fellowship hall… Continue Reading