Happy Holiday!
Happy Passover and Happy Easter to those of you celebrating. I’m taking the day off: most of the Reno follies are paused (after kicking my butt) and I am going to pause to smell the roses, or at least the… Continue Reading
Happy Passover and Happy Easter to those of you celebrating. I’m taking the day off: most of the Reno follies are paused (after kicking my butt) and I am going to pause to smell the roses, or at least the… Continue Reading
Okay, first we will get the latest of the building follies out of the way. This one isn’t even about the painters. This past weekend was pretty glorious after may rainy ones so I took off for a drive. This… Continue Reading
Well, at least part of the reno follies are drawing slowly to a close. The painters are almost at the point where the building is done. Of course, their idea of this and mine may be slightly different since in… Continue Reading
Okay, so you are likely thinking that I am the laziest perfume reviewer in the West these days and your likely right. Work, and the work at work has been pretty ongoing, and most days lately I’ve been just hitting… Continue Reading
Well another week of the construction follies here at the homestead. Structural engineers haven’t decided whether the roof of the garage can be patched or if it’s a nuke-and-pave situation. Our record rains came and thankfully went and while I… Continue Reading
Happy Monday, everyone (and happy Presidents’ Day for those of you in the U.S.)! Alas, between not feeling well and computer issues, I’m a little lean in the post material department — one of those I got nuttin’ honey (nut… Continue Reading
Well, the remodeling continues. The front yard people have found the retaining walls need to be replaced and have been jackhammering the old one out (If it was falling apart why is it so hard to take down?) Now I… Continue Reading