Decant Demolition 2025 February

Hey Hey Posse, Righto, here we are and February is finished so Decant Demolition 2025 continues apace. Decant Demolition 2025 February My Challenge For Decant Demolition 2025 I’ll be trying to drain 30ml of juice every month. In any configuration… Continue Reading

Spring Into Fall: DSH Perfumes Soho Boheme

Well, Fall has finally arrived here in LA. For now anyway- it could get back up into the 90’s at any moment and there are quite a few X-Mas holidays where the Beverly Center’s Hunky Santa needed to be shirtless.… Continue Reading

Jury Duty: Or What to Wear?

So by the time you are reading this I will be either on, or “on call” for Jury Duty. Like anyone, I look forward to that civic duty with the joy and anticipation usually reserved for dental visits or perhaps,… Continue Reading

Souvenir de Malmaison by DSH Perfumes

Hey Posse! Just rediscovered my DSH Perfumes Souvenir de Malmaison sample in the New Idea 2023 grand sample/decant use. Most of them are relegated to a 2 line explanation but something this lovely needs a whole post. Here’s what the DSH… Continue Reading

Vert et Noir by DSH Perfumes

Hey there Posse! Here’s a little something I found on my searches through my sample and decant boxes. It was originally a 3ml decant but I used most of it up when it arrived, was going to buy a bottle… Continue Reading

DSH Perfumes: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading

Taj Garden by DSH Perfumes

taj garden DSH Perfumes

Hi there Posse. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz samples arrived this week. I’ve been having the loveliest time trying them and there are a couple I adore, a few I like and one that really doesn’t like my skin at all and… Continue Reading