I Smell, Too.

Well, Musette started it (as is her wont) so I am going forward with it. As I mentioned in the comments yesterday, I have been noticing in the past few years that I get that “not so fresh” feeling a… Continue Reading

I smell

Posse!  How YOU doin’?  Just so you know, this is a further riff on the ‘You Smell Good’ theme.   I’m in the midst of the midway point of that bathroom renovation; Drywall Guy comes to sand tomorrow night!!  I wish… Continue Reading

Unopened Perfumes

Hiya Posse. One of my perfume mates Michael was here last week. As always we got to talking perfume. He would ask about a brand or a perfume and I’d bring the box of all that brand and we would… Continue Reading

Pumpkins, Spice, and the Not-So-Nice

Well we got through another Hallowe’en.  That day is a big, big deal in our little neck of the woods because West Hollywood closes off Santa Monica Boulevard for the legendary Hallowe’en Carnivale. It started as kind of a local… Continue Reading