Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Serge Lutens Tubereuse Criminelle

Well if you tuned in last week you will have noted that this weeks review was supposed to be part of that one. But I got so into my flirtation with Fracas that I plum didn’t feel like it. Not… Continue Reading

Warning Shot: Robert Piguet Fracas

Well, last week were the rains, and they are now for the moment, gone. The Santa Ana winds are coming up, oddly not as hot as they would be in a Chandler novel, but I am told it’s the direction… Continue Reading

Crap Presents Syndrome Reset

Hi there Posse. Welcome to the new year. 2023 is upon us. You’ve survived the silly season, congratulations. Did you suffer Crap Presents Syndrome? Were your gifters just grabbing whatever they could on December 23/4 that came in an easily… Continue Reading

Holiday Treats: Patou Voyageur and Colony

Well, First off let me wish everyone a belated Happy Holidays. I hope yours was pleasant and uneventful- I write the latter since here in the US Southern California seems to be the only place that isn’t experiencing ghastly weather.… Continue Reading

Holiday Cheer: Red Shoes by Fath Essentials

Well, the holidays are firmly upon us. Here in SoCal we have gone (or are repordedly going) from wet and rainy to picture perfect- the days should be flirting with 80 inland and the evenings cool, but not cold. Just… Continue Reading

Voyageur by Jean Patou

Hi Posse. How do I not know about Voyageur by Jean Kerleo for Jean Patou? Released in 1995, I was living in London and often frequented the hallowed perfume halls of Selfridge & Co, Harvey Nix and Harrods. So strange to… Continue Reading

DKNY Stories

Hiya Posse, DKNY Stories fell into my FragranceNet cart a short while back. Honestly, I can’t think why. Something just called to me and it was very cheap. I tend to throw everything interesting in the cart and then weed… Continue Reading