La Folie de Noël by DSH Perfumes

Ho Ho Ho POSSEEEEEE! It’s so close I can taste the credit card debt. 5 weeks. I am already here in Sydney getting into the Christmas Spirit, not spirits: though it was a very near thing. Just for fun I… Continue Reading

Devil Wears Prada Bloopers

Hi there POSSEEE! Today I thought we could go TOTALLY off topic, well not totally but as I loved The Devil Wears Prada so much and I just came across this fabulous Blooper Reel I thought it might be OK… Continue Reading

Reglisse Noire by 1000 Flowers 2010

Hey Perfume Posse People, Reglisse Noir means Black Licorice and Canada’s Jessica Buchanan, who mixes her high-tech chemicals with organic naturals and biodegradable musks, has created a beautiful homage to one of my favourite candies. A licorice as if seen… Continue Reading

Pure Mariposa by Ramón Monegal 2013

Hiya Posse, The Ramón Monegal line, in those incredibly fabulous inkwell bottles that are so heavy and elegant, has some stand out gorgeous fragrances. One of my girlfriends who writes for Olfactoria’s Travels, Sandra, has a bottle of Pure Mariposa… Continue Reading

Arpege by Andre Fraysse for Lanvin 1927

Hiya Perfumed Posse, Arpege has been part of my life since I can remember. One of the Aunties wore it and I have a memory of Mum having a bottle at some stage too, but that might be a confused… Continue Reading

Wave Musk by Mancera 2011

Hiya Posse Peeps, A few years ago one of my besties was in London and happened to be trawling the Selfridge & Co beauty and fragrance floor looking for inspiration and just loving being back home in the UK for… Continue Reading

Sun by Pierre Bourdon for Jil Sander 1989

Hi Posse, Jil Sander can be very hit & miss for me. I haven’t tried the whole line but there were some sporty things that got a little skin time and a couple of the masculines but none grabbed me,… Continue Reading