Wind Flowers by Creed 2021

Hey Posse. Yes, I know I’m late to the party. A manufacturers boxed sample of Wind Flowers came with a recent order from Libertine Parfumerie here in Oz. I bought some fabulous shower gels for Xmas gifts and they treated… Continue Reading

Hereafter by Sarah Horowitz Parfums

Hey Posse, This May it’s 10 years since the ScentSation Bus Tour in LA. On that adventure we were lucky enough to meet Sarah Horowitz in person at Beauty Habit. She was charming, and gorgeous. We were all smitten. I… Continue Reading

Whirlwind London 2023

Hey Posse. Yes, it was a grand secret. Two birthdays kept totally secret from the celebrators. There was a super secret fly in by a couple of friends. A couple of perfumes dates and the most lavish London I’ve ever… Continue Reading

April New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for April New Idea 2023. It’s only four months and I found myself really pining for the collection. Taking three days off after London and making sure I got to spritz from… Continue Reading

Souvenir de Malmaison by DSH Perfumes

Hey Posse! Just rediscovered my DSH Perfumes Souvenir de Malmaison sample in the New Idea 2023 grand sample/decant use. Most of them are relegated to a 2 line explanation but something this lovely needs a whole post. Here’s what the DSH… Continue Reading

Rose Omeyyade by Atelier des Ors

Rose Omeyyade Atelier des Ors

Hey Posse. Essence Milan has been happening again. Jin and I went along way back in the dark ages . Atelier des Ors was one of the brands that really stood out at the time. They were new, had a… Continue Reading

Sables by Annick Goutal

Heya Posse! Remember Sables? Well, quell surprise, it’s still available from Goutal! A few years ago we were told it was on the chopping block and both perfumista buddy Scotty and I went into panic mode buying and both got… Continue Reading