Spritzed Reviewed; 2023 Newbies Grabbed At Random

Heya Posse, Here are some decants from Surrender To Chance that have been sitting here awaiting reviewing. I liked them all a lot but other things keep getting written about instead. So rather than leave them for some far off imagined future where I have more writing spaces and time to fill them I thought you’d all like some mid length Spritzed Reviewed. It will also get them off my desk. Win win.

In other news my study is going well. As well as can be expected anyway from someone who hasn’t studied anything online before and who hasn’t studied period since the 1980s. I’m about 1/3 of the way through to becoming qualified to become a celebrant. It’s taking about 20-30 hours a week and I’m finding focus hard to achieve, especially ion the 30+ minute videos. The routine is interesting, I thought I’d hate the structure (and there are days I do) but in. reality it’s quite soothing to work to a timetable. There’s a weird zen to it.

Spritzed Reviewed; 2023 Newbies Grabbed At Random

Spritzed Reviewed; Grabbed At Random

I’m not going to give note lists here, just the way I experienced them and what I felt my nose was smelling. I’ll look after I write and tell you if I’m very far off the mark.

Spritzed Reviewed

Absolu Aventus by Creed 2023

Citrus and woods in the style of one of the L’Eau d’Issey Pour Homme flankers. There is correlation to the original Aventus but it’s not just a richer version. In fact it’s much more citrus pith. The base seems like very green woods, freshly cut and some torn leaf, like camellia. For those hard core fans of Aventus this will be a departure. I really like it but wish there was some smoke or incense and it’s nothing new. Very nicely done but far from groundbreaking.
HA! Well, I’m dead wrong. There is ginger, patchouli and vetiver. Maybe I can smell ginger now it’s been pointed out but the others? Nope.

Spritzed Reviewed

Apothéose by Oriza L. Legrand 2023

WOW! Aldehydes jump off the skin on a bedc of sharp citrus. Apothéose has some definite CHANEL vibes but starker, darker and less low key. Flowers, can’t quite get a hold other than bouquet but maybe geranium or something sharp? I’m thinking a pink pepper or lime could be adding zing but also it could still be the aldehydes. Base is a soft powdery melange that seems reminiscent of older CHANEL No 22 but without the searing headache that gives me. I can imagine wearing Apothéose for events.
HA HA! Wrong again. Eucalyptus?!? There is nothing in this perfume that smells anything like the eucalyptus I wander amongst every day. Ylang, maybe but not a big player.

Spritzed Reviewed

Blend No.83 by Imaginary Authors 2023

A heavily spiced Espresso Martini. So luscious and dark. I’m really surprised that tobacco isn’t a featured note, or amber, or sandalwood now that I’m thinking. Blend No.83 is so immediate, unfettered and smells impulsive. I applaud the fragrance but can’t imagine myself wanting to smell like it for any real amount of time or for a particular event. It’s gorgeous and beautifully handled but not for me. This is the sort of fragrance I love to put on a blotter and hand around at a perfumista meet up.

Iris Pallida Extrait 6 by Guerlain 2023

Here in Australia these 50ml bottles cost AU$900. It’s so much money that it really makes me smell with a much more critical nose. Having said that, had Guerlain done a 7ml dab bottle and packaged it beautifully like the old Shalimar flip top presentations then I’d probably not have blinked at $200-250.
Iris Pallida Extrait 6 is lovely. A lipstick vibe with cool carroty overtones and doughy wet cardboard depths. The heart is delightfully rooty and there are fresh cracked almond shells. Does anyone else get nougat? I will never own a bottle of Iris Pallida Extrait 6 but I am CRAVING it deeply.


Thanks for coming along on this wild Spritzed Reviewed. I hope there is something that sounds good to you here. They all smell very good to me.

Portia xx

  • SpringPansy says:

    Thanks, Portia. I love these posts with multiple short, sweet reviews and I hope you’ll all do more of them when possible.

  • March says:

    Oh, I love that you just grabbed some random fragrances and said, let’s get started. And what a fabulous array of things to sniff. None of these is calling to my wallet and that’s probably not a bad thing … re your studies, I have periodic anxiety dreams in which I’m back in school (at various ages) and have forgotten to study for a test, enroll in a class, etc. I was a decent student then but I have no idea now, I feel like it would be hard to get back into that mindset.

    • Portia says:

      Thanks March.
      GAH! Study. This module is about NETWORKING. A thing I’ve always been fortunate enough to do organically. Writing a plan and executing it seems like a Bond villain’s way of doing it. Mining my friends and acquaintances for gold. Very uncomfortable.
      Portia xx

  • Tom says:

    Interesting when what you’re smelling and what they tell you you’re supposed to be smelling are different. I’ve gotten some doozies over the years.

  • Dina C. says:

    Thanks for the reviews. It’s really encouraging that someone as well versed as you still can get thrown off by the difference between what they’re sniffing and the note list. I say this because I so often order samples based on note lists only to feel bewildered or let down. Iris Pallida was one such for me, iirc. Gave it away immediately. To me it was scratchy like that pink fiberglass insulation. Looks soft, but it’s deadly!

    • Portia says:

      I hear you DinaC and WOW on your ride. Quite different to my Iris Pallida 6 experience.
      Sometimes I really think they just make up whatever they like and throw it on the notes list. More like a wishlist than real ingredients.
      Portia xx

  • alityke says:

    I’ve never been tempted to try any Creed. It’s the house the “rinsers” had on the wish lists they posted for elderly men to gift them. Between that “panty droppers” & the whole “who is the nose” business. Gak!
    Imaginary Authors? I adore their mini stories but would rather they write the book. I haven’t clicked with any of their perfumes.
    The Guerlain sounds heavenly but the price is Ricci-Doogle-Arse!

    • Maya says:

      My thoughts on these exactly!

    • Portia says:

      Hey Alityke, I don’t know what a rinser is? Is it money laundering?
      I really like Imaginary Authors and am happy there is a large market for their wearable freakiness. There are a few that really tickle me.
      SUPER ridiculous.
      Portia xx

      • alityke says:

        Hi Portia
        In the 2000’s there was a trend for attractive, young women to post wish lists of items or services they wanted but couldn’t afford on proto social media. The idea was that these wish lists were aimed at wealthy men who would gift them the things on the list without receiving anything in return.
        The term these women used was that they were “rinsing” these men of their money.
        I suspect the men were hoping for sexual favours. Some of the women got their 15 minutes of notoriety. They claimed to have never put out

        • Portia says:

          O M G! How did I never know about this? So excellent. Good on them, and if the moneybags were willing to buy them stuff then even better.

  • Tara C says:

    I have only tried the Iris Pallida, which is lovely. They are $630 USD but if you wait for a gift card event you can get $100 off at Bergdorf Goodman.

    • Portia says:

      That’s well beyond my current spending abilities at any one time right now TaraC. I wonder how long they’ll be available?
      Portia xx

  • cinnamon says:

    Arg, I would love to try that Guerlain. It sounds phenomenal. And the Oriza … interesting. I haven’t sampled a Creed in years. Bar the older version of Green Irish Tweed, which really had a moment, I’ve not met one I wanted to pay attention to.

    • Portia says:

      The Guerlain extracts are definitely worth a sniff Cinnamon.
      Gave the rest of the Oriza to Scotty who goes apeshit for an aldehyde. He was super chuffed.
      Portia xx