Memorial Day
Wishing you all a peaceful Memorial Day. Cinnamon’s post will be for tomorrow, Tuesday.
Wishing you all a peaceful Memorial Day. Cinnamon’s post will be for tomorrow, Tuesday.
Hey, Posse!!! So… Missy March? She’s Away. And I’m Not. So you get MEEE! for a quickie post. And quick it’s gonna be, as I have 3 projects nipping at my heels, with deadlines that are making my stomach twist. … Continue Reading
Pssst! Posse! I haz a secret. I. Like. Men. :: crickets :: sigh. y’all already knew? oh. okay. (LOL! it’s a good thing March is off to Away – this revelation would leave her… unmoved). Here’s the thing: I like… Continue Reading
Hey, Posse! Let’s talk Potato! Specifically Hot Potatoes, about which I am Musing. So… awhile ago I was at the bowling alley (where all the cool cats go) and a server walked past, carrying a tray full of freshly cooked… Continue Reading
Hi, Posse! It’s Musings Time, I’ve got winners, I’mo do a Giveaway! Can you tell it’s SPRING?! So. I. Haz. Questions. I work out. Daily. Strength Training. Flex Training. All the Training. Yet… One day in the garden and I… Continue Reading
Posse Darlings! This is a Kevlar Bite Sleeve. It’s useful for safely evaluating and training dogs. I used to wear leather bite sleeves but Kevlar (knitted Kevlar – who’dathunkit?) is lighter, more flexible… …and why am I banging on about… Continue Reading
Posse! What a great week, weatherwise! So I went to the ‘burbs. Well, ‘burb-ish. Naperville is more a small city than a suburb anymore, with a hefty population, good transit, great shopping, etc. I had some time before meeting my… Continue Reading