A Fine Romance

  A few days ago a (fully vaxxed and masked – settle down, people) friend visited.  On the way to the garden she stopped to look at a stack of books on the table. Ted Chiang’s ‘Exhalation’  – a nod… Continue Reading

Solid Girls

When I was in my late teens I fell in love with the 1940s version of Pride and Prejudice.  Of course, I was Elizabeth Bennet … of course.  Late teens. I’m now at A Certain Age.  And, with age,  identifications… Continue Reading

Cold Spring

A few years ago we had a heat wave in April, just as the early Spring bulbs were coming up.  Within 2 days narcissus and tulips broke, bloomed and died.  Lilacs and magnolias budded out, bloomed and browned, almost in… Continue Reading

Being Still

Being Still.  What a concept (this is a continuation of my last Musings post – sorry, guess I’m still in that zone) Everyone’s  (rightly) been talking/writing about what a shittastic year it was and while mine was no exception, there… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings – Diurnal Style!

Well!  It’s a rambling kind of day, with my brain feeling a bit untethered and skritchy, so let’s ramble together, shall we?  There will be a quiz, later. 😉 Diurnal!  With the increasing light I’m waking up even more disoriented… Continue Reading