7 Billion Reasons to Love CBIHatePerfume

A Short Tale of Brooklyn and CBIHatePerfume..and 7 Billion Hearts, one of the Best Vanilla Perfumes on the planet.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Anybody who’s ever spent time in New York knows it has one of the best subway systems in the… Continue Reading

Gardenia Perfume Redux – Arquiste Boutonniere & Serge Lutens Une Voix Noire & winners

I have so missed gardenia perfumes, and we have two more to add to the gardenia perfume list – Arquiste Boutonniere and Serge Lutens Une Voix Noire.   We also have the winners of the Best Perfumes for Fall, the… Continue Reading

Perfume – Ruler of the Perfume Universe

guerlain perfume - guerlain djedi

This morning, you opened your eyes, and the whole world seemed different!  There was a crown laying next to a case of discontinued Guerlain perfumes on your nightstand, all of your diminishing perfume favorites had been topped off and were… Continue Reading

Orange Blossom Perfume – Guide to Best Orange Blossom Perfume

orange blossom with bee

Orange blossom perfume – Noooow we are talking!  Talking about Orange blossom perfume is like My Birthday and Christmas all rolled up into one.   Orange blossom, when done right, is joyous, like a ray of sunshine that is almost… Continue Reading

Best Perfumes for Fall 2012

“Well, the frost is on the pumpkin and the hay is in the barn..” That means it’s time to talk about the Best Perfumes for Fall 2012!   It’s that time of year where the leaves are turning (at least… Continue Reading