A glass half full: Sortilege by Le Gallion

I’m calling this one half full because when I went to Neiman Marcus to sample the new version they were out. All was not in vain since I did pick up a lovely Moulton Brown bath goo in Rhubarb. So… Continue Reading

I Was Warned: Aromatic Elixir by Clinique

The only downside of having such fun writers on this blog is that I immediately want to run out and buy whatever they’re writing about. The latest one that hooked me was Portia’s review of Aromatic Elixir by Clinique. It’s… Continue Reading

Getting Clean

Well, Memorial Day weekend came and went. My friend Tomas was visiting from NYC. Part business and part personal- his work does have an office in Los Angeles and his elderly parents have an apartment in a high-rise on the… Continue Reading

Blame Portia: Hexennacht Trashcan Man, London Fog, Creaky Floorboards, Winchester Mystery House, and Never Was a Cornflakes Girl.

Well, it seems like it’s all Hexennacht, all the time here at the Posse this week. Independent of March I was forced (forced I tell you!) to turn to Surrender to Chance to get some samples of Hexennacht after reading… Continue Reading