Under the radar (body products): Laura Mercier Ambre Vanille Souffle Body Creme

Perfume Education 101

Laura Mercier has always impressed me as a great brand: pretty, dependable, quality products, with nothing in its line too odd or weird. Just good, solid, wearable stuff, with fragrances and body items that lean to the gourmand. Not to… Continue Reading

Beauty Product Reviews – Weekend Round-Up!

cutest Christmas wreath in the world!

We haven’t done this for a long while.  Here’s the beauty product reviews (brief) for stuff I’m loving right now.     Giorgio Armani Maestro Fusion Foundation. Holy hell, Hannah!  I’ve loved the Armani foundations in the past, but this… Continue Reading

Hmmm … Chanel Les Exclusifs Fresh Body Cream

Chanel Les Exclusifs Fresh Body Cream The above e-mail header recently landed in my inbox (as I’m sure it did in many of yours), with the following copy: “Subtly scented to flatter any fragrance in the LES EXCLUSIFS Collection, this… Continue Reading

The Shapeshifter and a draw!

Amouage Memoir Woman Bath and Body Collection   The nicest thing about a Beginner’s Mind is that it is open.   Alas, most of us (well, me anyway) have to go through the various stages of Mindfulness before we can get… Continue Reading

Creme de la Creme

  well, my head is just spinning!   See, I spent the weekend in the LEAST glam place on Planet Musette:  Britt, IA.  Labor Day, as the Posse knows, is my yearly pilgrimage to the Draft Horse Hitch Show. Five… Continue Reading