RAOK – tea style
Okay. This has nothing to do with the post but I have to share because we all need a giggle every now and then. Probably everyone in the Western World has heard Carl Orff’s ‘O Fortuna’ from Carmina Burana. … Continue Reading
Okay. This has nothing to do with the post but I have to share because we all need a giggle every now and then. Probably everyone in the Western World has heard Carl Orff’s ‘O Fortuna’ from Carmina Burana. … Continue Reading
By Ann Wishing all a happy Monday and also Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Last week, you all came out in droves to recommend various body products and I thank each of you for sharing. So many great suggestions! I’m… Continue Reading
By Ann With many of us now into the long, post-holiday winter stretch, this is a good time to talk body products. I’m in the market for a gentle shower gel and a gentle, very moisturizing body cream (preferably unscented, but not a must)… Continue Reading
March is knee-deep in family stuff (all garden-variety, no Drama – but you know how those days go)…so it’s meeeee! your sweetpatootieMusette, back for another day! Hey! Whereyagoin? GET BACK HERE! It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The… Continue Reading
by Musette the Anxious Since the ‘publish’ thingydoodle boogered up the schedule, we are going to continue this chat through Monday! I have been in a state of high anxiety for a LONG time – and most of it is… Continue Reading
by Musette, who is craving some chocolate layer cake. I remember the first time. I was in Saks, back in the Joy/Paris/Poison days…. Diane was helping me, as I considered a purchase of Joy (remember when it was The… Continue Reading