Jubilation XXV Man by Amouage

Hi Posse. Jubilation XXV Man was one of the truly epic Amouage releases. The perfume world went batshit crazy. This was just a couple of years before I found you all online but I’ve heard the stories. There were just… Continue Reading

Perfume Presents

Heya Posse, March and I were chatting in the comments of my Boucheron Serpent Boheme post in August a little about how special Perfume Presents can be. Some things I would normally not even have tried due to perfume snobbery… Continue Reading

Christmas Perfume: What Are You Wearing?

Hey Posse! Christmas Perfume! I reckon anyone who lives in most of the western world and quite a bit of the east you’ll have noticed the world’s greatest retail event is happening tomorrow. For all the Christians, practicing and non,… Continue Reading