Initial Thoughts

   by the Old Bat Musette Most hard-core perfumistas bemoan the addition of flankers, especially when it’s a flanker of a True Classic.  I mean, c’mon – how on earth could you do a Mitsouko flanker?  What would you call… Continue Reading

Random Sunday Sniffing

by Tom     It rained overnight in LA, but this Sunday was clear, cool and windy.  So I wandered around sniffing things.  These weren’t full-on tests: I didn’t live with them or gave them more than one (moderately) discrete… Continue Reading

Sacrificial Scents

by Musette   When we were in our 20s (back in the Jefferson administration)  my galpals and I  fantasized about our married coworkers’ lives -a permanent partner for Chinese food and Friday Movies, sex every night, total validation on Valentine’s… Continue Reading

Let There Be Light

Evil Auntie Musette started this, and I´m continuing it. This is not about weight, size, or how many times I haven´t been to the gym in the past couple of years. Light is a metaphor for a sense of being.… Continue Reading

Top 10 Scents of Winter

Yes, ladies and gentlemen — it’s that time of the year again, when we all put forth our Top Ten Fragrances of Winter.  These are scents that may be new, or just new to us — or perhaps rediscoveries or… Continue Reading