Musette’s Musings, Sweat Edition

I’m not even going to pretend that I have a perfume review for you – it’s 900F in the shade AND I am prepping for a small Garden baby shower next weekend – 10 people who can maintain social distancing… Continue Reading

SOTD 7.8.2020

A SOTD (Scent Of The Day) thread is a really good conversation generator. The idea is you’ll chime in through the week with whatever scent you are wearing. You don’t need to be super knowledgable, have high faluting tastes or… Continue Reading

Wazamba by Parfum d’Empire

Hi there Posse! Wazamba by Parfum d’Empire is a fragrance I bought a few years ago and then it sat in the wardrobe wishing for attention while I wore the CdG Incense series, L’Heure Mysterieuse XII by Cartier and Exultat by… Continue Reading

SOTD 31.7.2020

A SOTD (Scent Of The Day) thread is a really good conversation generator. The idea is you’ll chime in through the week with whatever scent you are wearing. You don’t need to be super knowledgable, have high faluting tastes or… Continue Reading

Fatih Sultan Mehmed by Fort & Manlé

Hi Posse. Fatih Sultan Mehmed is an Australian created fragrance from my mate Rasei Fort at Fort & Manlé (here we are bumping into each other in Harrod’s). Another friend, Clayton Ilolahia of What Men Should Smell Like, gifted me… Continue Reading

SOTD 24.7.2020

A SOTD (Scent Of The Day) thread is a really good conversation generator. The idea is you’ll chime in through the week with whatever scent you are wearing. You don’t need to be super knowledgable, have high faluting tastes or… Continue Reading

Curious by Britney Spears

Hey Posse. I recently have been going through my collection and trying to find some stuff to offload. During the search I saw a fun black box with 1980s style metallic shapes printed on it. My mind told me it… Continue Reading