Christmas Already! WTF!

Hey Posse SUDDENLY it’s Christmas is less than three weeks! I can’t believe it’s Christmas Already. No matter what your religion or lack of you must still have noticed how quickly this years celebrations have rolled around. Here in Sydney… Continue Reading

Freeway by 4160 Tuesdays

Hi there Posse Peeps! Freeway was popped into my hand last year by Sarah McCartney and I wanted to save it for a summer review because I imagined it being a perfect choice for summer spritzing. Then I bloody forgot… Continue Reading

Black Velvet Cafe by Sarah McCartney for 4160 Tuesdays 2017

Black Velvet Cafe 4160 Tuesdays John_Henry_Fuseli_-_The_Nightmare WikiMedia

Hi there Perfume Posse. It’s a new year and I wish you all a good one. Black Velvet Cafe comes with a very engaging blurb from 4160 Tuesdays :We made this as a one off for a Dubai friend of ours… Continue Reading