Bois Blonds by Jérome Epinette for Atelier Cologne 2010

Bois Blonds Atelier Cologne Winter Woods Barred Owl WikiPedia

Hey Hey Perfume Posse! Atelier Cologne largely passed me by. I fell madly in love with Trefle Pur, Rose Anonym and Tobacco Nuit. Also I have and wear a 10ml rollerball of Mistral Patchouli. Yet still I don’t feel that… Continue Reading

What Scent Are You Wearing This Holiday Season?

Hey Hey Posse. I know you guys are probably going crazy getting ready for Holiday Season. So instead of giving you a HUGE post to read I thought we could talk about what we are wearing, have worn and will… Continue Reading

Memory of Kindness by CB I Hate Perfume 2006

Heya Posse! What an incredible name for a fragrance. Memory Of Kindness. Christopher Brosius does some wonderful work and when I saw this name on Surrender To Chance it alone drew me in and called on me to purchase. Kindness, such… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings on books and Winners! and a giveaway (AGAIN!!!)

I’m writing this post on a blustery Sunday because WE GOT THIS AMAZING PROJECT! squeeeeeee!  but it is taking every nanosecond of my work day and basically eats like into the rest of the dayintonightandIamNOTcomplainingOMG!amISOTHRILLEDABOUTTHISPROJECT!!!!.  But!  that means that Sunday, sweet… Continue Reading

Indigo by Spyros Drosopoulos for Baruti 2015

Hi Posse! Not long ago I fell madly in love with Dama Koupa by Baruti. So much that I bought a bottle and got chatting to Sryros who is proprietor and perfumer at Baruti. He was kind enough to send me… Continue Reading