What to Wear… when you can wear anything

Posse, my darlings!  Time flies!   This Halloween, it’ll be 4 years since I got bounced from my horrible situation with El O.  FOUR YEARS!  And while there are a few things I miss (all related to business and/or handyman stuff… Continue Reading

Musk redux

Okay, my Posse Peeps – I’mma fake my way through this timeline because I really do NOT have a sense of time (ask me what years I got married/moved/divorced/moved/worked at X – I dares ya!) So… let’s harken back to… Continue Reading

Smelling Good

A few posts back (maybe one of Tom’s?) nope – it was one of Portia’s)  March said “As I get older (?) I find more often what I really want is to just “smell good”  –  and when I read… Continue Reading

Wash Life

Posse – this is a Mashup Response to Tom’s ‘Whine’ post from last week (LOVE that hat, Tom!  I have one in ochre but would KEAL for it in black!) and Portia’s ongoing ‘thunk’ posts.  Tom and alityke chatted about… Continue Reading

Naptime (and winners – and a giveaway)

My darling Posse – It’s no secret to anyone who knows me IRL – I am not a napper.  I’m dirunal AF, getting up at 4:30a in Summer and (gasp!) 6a in Winter.  Nighttime is not the right time for… Continue Reading

Lemons…. in Life & Perfume.. (and.. a giveaway!)

My darling Posse, You know… for such a beautiful fruit (and gorgeous tree) lemons get a shockingly bad rap.  ‘When life hands you lemons’ ‘_____ is a lemon’, etc, etc .  I thought about the fruit/the rap/the smell when I… Continue Reading