Flame ON!
by Musette So……I’m still having sinii issues but the saline flushes are helping a lot. Forget the neti pot. Since my biggest problem is the post-nasal ickola, I just snort the stuff like a walrus, to clear out all… Continue Reading
by Musette So……I’m still having sinii issues but the saline flushes are helping a lot. Forget the neti pot. Since my biggest problem is the post-nasal ickola, I just snort the stuff like a walrus, to clear out all… Continue Reading
By Tom Yes, I’m venting. Here are things I’ve witnessed in the past 48 hours that make me want to slap people. This is the intersection of Beverly Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd. near my apartment. Note the red light,… Continue Reading
By March Hey, everyone. This next few weeks I have some affairs to attend to, so my posting is going to be pretty minimal. I read everyone’s comments on the timing/interest in Swapmania. And …. I can’t please everyone (isn’t… Continue Reading
by The Mystified Musette So…I’m still a little stuffy…okay, I’m still JAMMED in the sinii, though I’m wearing Cartier Declaration today and can parse out the bulk of the notes. Not sure if that’s because I already know… Continue Reading
By March Nope, no perfume review today. But I’m not completely worthless. A number of you have asked about another round of Swapmania – our free-for-all perfume swapfest that we did a year ago at Thanksgiving, a total experiment on… Continue Reading
by No-Nose-Musette First, I want to thank all of you who offered remedies, doctors, possible reasons, etc for my anosmic, tasteless self. I am still somewhat taste-free (okay! you in the back row! stop snickering!)….and smells are limited to… Continue Reading
By March Hi, everyone. Happy new year. Let’s hope 2012 will be a better year for all of us. I’m writing this post on New Year’s Day because this is going to be a crazy busy week for me and… Continue Reading