New Goutal Thingie
First, winners from last week of the Caron L’Accord 119 – mary and cheesegan. Click on the Contact Us over there on the left, give me your address and remind me what you’ve won, and I’ll get it mailed out… Continue Reading
First, winners from last week of the Caron L’Accord 119 – mary and cheesegan. Click on the Contact Us over there on the left, give me your address and remind me what you’ve won, and I’ll get it mailed out… Continue Reading
March is knee-deep in family stuff (all garden-variety, no Drama – but you know how those days go)…so it’s meeeee! your sweetpatootieMusette, back for another day! Hey! Whereyagoin? GET BACK HERE! It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The… Continue Reading
by Musette Oooh! Before I forget: Winner of Honour Woman/Honour Man is ….lala! Contact me at evilauntieanitaATgmailDOTcom with your details. Thanks! So….nothing really bad. Just stupid-bad. Smells are ‘off’. I’m recovering from whatever this nasty chestal thingamajig is,… Continue Reading
The picture above is from our too short time in the Sahara. I’d like to say I’m a good photographer, but there’s no way the sun rising over golden sand dunes can produce anything but a beautiful picture. Okay, wow,… Continue Reading
by Who Loves a Good Blade, Baby! ….I never liked the story of Madame Butterfly. It’s a beautiful opera and I understand the elemental idea and emotion but, given what type of emotion usually grips me, while everyone… Continue Reading
Winner Alert: Cuir Fetich sample winner is……..Mrs Honey!!! drop a line at ‘contact us’ with your deets (and please remind us what you won). thanks! Unless you live on Jupiter and only get intermittent internet signal, you know… Continue Reading
by Musette-with-a-Whip I adore leather. leather gloves. I have a glove collection to rival Imelda’s shoes, in all colors and types. Leather dresses. I wore a Harley-Davidson black leather evening gown with red leather… Continue Reading