When Your Children Leave
All through your life, your children open and shut doors. Each door they come back through, your children grow up a little bit more. I can remember when I was a new mom, my life was full of babies and… Continue Reading
All through your life, your children open and shut doors. Each door they come back through, your children grow up a little bit more. I can remember when I was a new mom, my life was full of babies and… Continue Reading
Craig’s journey into the Church. I’ve been waiting for this one for a while, and it was well worth the wait. Go read it, and grab a tissue. I promised Craig when he wrote his conversion story, I’d write mine.
Staying Home for the Teen Years (washingtonpost.com) This is all I’ve learned about teenagers, having been a really bad one and having one son that’s 16 and the other about to turn 13: 1. Some teenagers have trouble, some don’t.… Continue Reading