Auld and New: Guerlain Spiriteuse Double Vanille

This week both Cinnamon and March have talked about the holidays, the weather and what we do around now- the holiday traditions. I’ve talked about some of this before, and since we have had a slew of (very much needed)… Continue Reading

The Nose Knows

Well, it’s happened again. Whatever bug that’s been going around I got. Not Covid (I tested twice) and not terrible: just coughing and runny nose and an inability to smell anything that isn’t, shall we say, a bit definite in… Continue Reading

Blame Cinnamon: Reading Cookbooks Part Deux

Well, I am calling this one “Blame Cinnamon” because it’s just too much of a title to write “Blame Tom For Being a Lazy Hog Who Spent the Entire Holiday Doing Nothing But Watching Bad Movies on Netflix and Eating… Continue Reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

How time flies when you’re having… Well it’s been a busy week or two here. Loads of personal interaction where normally I get at least some time to sit in the office, stare at walls, and sniff myself. Unfortunately I… Continue Reading