Guerlain Shalimar Fourreau du Soir 2011

Hiya Posse, Portia with you again from AustralianPerfumeJunkies and thrilled to be part of your weekly read. Photo Stolen Fragrantica Guerlain Shalimar Fourreau du Soir (Foo-roh dee swahr) or Shalimar Evening Frock is a redressing of the current formulation of Shalimar… Continue Reading

French Arabia: Guerlain Les Deserts d’Orient – and a winner!

  Before I get started on this review, let me announce the Interlude Man/Interlude Woman winner:  Brooke!  contact me with your deets at my gmail addy:  evilauntieanita and I will get these out to you!   Okay!  On to Arabia! … Continue Reading


          Feelin’ HOT!HOT!HOT!   So.   Did you just get back from Pluto?  If not, you know most of the US is in a massive heat wave.  Nature seems determined to fry us into Bac-O’s, then blow… Continue Reading


This is a post within a post so hang in there, okay?  It’s going to look a bit like Shameless Self-Promotion but actually it’s not – not really.  It’s more about ‘edutainment’.  Awhile back Patty and I were discussing how… Continue Reading

Your First Fragrance – A Guide to Raising them With the Right Smell (Ari)

This post is about the seemingly selfless tradition of buying a young girl her first perfume, but I must admit that my motivations for writing it were purely selfish: I don’t want to smell Pink Sugar anymore. I have been… Continue Reading