Spice Girl

Wow – this chestal thing is almost gone but it’s really jammed my tastebuds something awful!  I mean…I can taste stuff..but I can’t TASTE it, y’know? It’s confusing because my sinuses are largely clear, so you’d think I could make… Continue Reading

JUL ET MAD perfumes and a giveaway!

Sigh.   I just read the bios for  Julien and Madalina, the creators of the Jul et Mad perfumes line.  Obviously I wasted my youth! JUL ET MAD are seriously accomplished, well-traveled, sophisticated people who have probably not eaten a hot… Continue Reading

Loving Leather – and Giving It Away – NEWSFLASH!!!

NEWSFLASH:  The folks at MiN New York have lost their minds!!!!  They have rescinded the 10ml vial.   Instead………they are offering a 100ml FULL BOTTLE!  (tester, so you probably won’t get the little red corset.  And who cares!)   everyone… Continue Reading

Creme de la Creme

  well, my head is just spinning!   See, I spent the weekend in the LEAST glam place on Planet Musette:  Britt, IA.  Labor Day, as the Posse knows, is my yearly pilgrimage to the Draft Horse Hitch Show. Five… Continue Reading