March New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for March New Idea 2023. February New Idea $50 Surrender To Chance Voucher Winner = Kathleen Email me: portia (underscore) turbo (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au I’ll send your voucher out… Continue Reading

Barry Lyndon by Maria Candida Gentile

Hey Posse. Do you know Maria Candida Gentile? She doesn’t get a lot of chat on the scentbloggosphere nowadays. It’s a shame because her fragrances are so bloody good. The packaging is nice, sturdy cardboard without being a ridiculous wank.… Continue Reading

Damask by Ormonde Jayne

Hey Posse. Back in 2020 Ormonde Jayne released a capsule collection La Route de Soie (Silk Road) that came in beautiful ombre bottles. At the Libertine Perfumery product launch for the set we were offered a bottle of our choice… Continue Reading

February New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for February New Idea 2023. After January’s success I was worried that the excitement might be hard to maintain. As Undina reminded me last month, it’s not as easy as it sounds… Continue Reading

DRAMA of the phone kind

Hey there Posse. On Monday I jumped into the pool for Aquarobics with my phone in my pocket. I felt it when hitting the water so it was submerged for less than 20 seconds. DEAD! Unbacked up since 2020. My… Continue Reading

The Green Knight by Roxana Illuminated Perfume 2022

Hey there Posse. Roxana Villa, Posse Tom and I spent a day together in the Roxana Illuminated Perfumes perfume creation centre (in her home) way back in 2013. It was the loveliest day. We had matcha tea, talked, sniffed, laughed,… Continue Reading

January New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for January New Idea 2023. This year I’m aiming to thunk five samples/decants a week. More if possible, there is a tonne of them here to be dealt with. Every thunk is… Continue Reading