Best Valentine’s Day Gifts – and a Draw!

  Valentine’s Day is nearly here!   What are the Best Valentine’s Day Gifts!?  Dinner?   Candy? Flowers? Perfume?  Laundry done and the house vacuumed?  El O being ..well, El O, I am always a bit conflicted.     “What if he forgets?”  … Continue Reading

RAOK – tea style

  Okay.  This has nothing to do with the post but I have to share because we all need a giggle every now and then.  Probably everyone in the Western World has heard Carl Orff’s ‘O Fortuna’ from Carmina Burana. … Continue Reading

Lent Me (Patty)

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and the official beginning of Lent.  For me, Lent is like New Year’s, but better!  The beginning of a period of mourning and preparation for something new.  I’m always thinking cocoon, then butterfly.  Like that Camilla… Continue Reading