Boxing Day! and Xmas Fragrances

Hi Posse! For those that haven’t been celebrating Christmas and don’t know the traditions Boxing Day is the relaxed, fun, cruisy day after. Traditionally in Britain, it was a custom for tradesmen to collect “Christmas boxes” of money or presents… Continue Reading

CHANEL Coco Vintage Extrait

Hello Posse Peeps! My bottle of CHANEL Coco Vintage Extrait came from another fragrance lover who felt they had more than their fair share and was downsizing the excess. Considering how often I give myself a few sneaky swipes with it… Continue Reading

Provision Scents: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading


Hey Posse! There’s so much going on, almost all the religions, cults, sects etc are having some kind of event currently or coming up. The more I learn about the world around me since my VERY Roman Catholic upbringing brings… Continue Reading

En Voyage Perfumes: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading

Alchemy by Aftelier Perfumes (2018 Holiday Re-Issue)

Hi there Posse! Mandy Aftel has recreated the very first Aftelier fragrance and re-issued it as a special, one time only, super exciting Limited Edition. It’s called Alchemy and I was lucky enough to receive a Press Sample. Sometimes the… Continue Reading

St Clair Scents: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading