Fox in the Flowerbed by Imaginary Authors

Hey Posse, Still getting my sniff on these amazing decants I bought from Surrender To Chance. There have been a few that I didn’t feel enough about to write anything good, or bad. Today though we meet Fox in the… Continue Reading

Blame Portia: Fath’s Essentials Lilas Exquis

A couple of weeks ago our own Portia wrote about Fath’s Essentials Lilas Exquis (linked here– click on it, read, then return.) Now that you have re-read the post you can imagine if you have read any of mine that… Continue Reading

Lilas Exquis by Jacques Fath

Hi Posse, You know how sometimes you smell a fragrance and it hits the exact, perfect, photo realistic memory you’ve been looking for? Recently I was talking about the scent of wisteria. I was looking for a scent that smelled… Continue Reading

Collection Intense Nicolai Travel Trio

Hi Posse. Lately I’ve been on a spending spree. Almost all of it perfume related. It’s not like I need more perfume, quite the opposite. Sometimes I think my addiction is acquisition, rather than fragrance. I was very excited to… Continue Reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

How time flies when you’re having… Well it’s been a busy week or two here. Loads of personal interaction where normally I get at least some time to sit in the office, stare at walls, and sniff myself. Unfortunately I… Continue Reading

Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums

Hi Posse. I first tried Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums at the Sydney Libertine release. It blew my mind and I asked for a larger sample to really spend some time to write. A boxed manufacturers sample popped into my… Continue Reading

Serge Lutens Clair de Musc, Muscs Kublai Khan and Kiehl’s Original Musk

Now that it’s autumn, the days are getting shorter and the temps have (briefly) flirted with something resembling chilly here in SoCal (we even had rain over the weekend!) I find myself wanting to grab some more wintery scents. Some… Continue Reading