Tigers Nest by Memo Paris

Heya Posse Peeps! Tigers Nest is what you will be loving in the autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. I just refound an old decant, probably the one that made me buy a bottle a couple of years ago. NOPE! I… Continue Reading

Copper by Comme des Garcons

Hey there Posse peeps! I bought this decant of Copper from Surrender To Chance ages ago in early 2020 (they don’t have it anymore. SOZ!. My purchase was brought on by Val the Cookie Queen’s SCATHING anti-review over on Australian… Continue Reading

Okay I fell: Le Labo Aldehyde 44

So there are perhaps only a few of you out there who aren’t aware that Le Labo has these things called City Exclusives: Ones that are meant to be a representation of the city in which they are housed. I… Continue Reading

Jubilation XXV Man by Amouage

Hi Posse. Jubilation XXV Man was one of the truly epic Amouage releases. The perfume world went batshit crazy. This was just a couple of years before I found you all online but I’ve heard the stories. There were just… Continue Reading

A Trip to the Mall: LUSH Sticky Dates and Grass

So the cold was pretty much mild- it never really got to anything really terrible, for which I am thankful. It did allow me to stay in bed for a day and drink Simply Limeade. which was nice. Yesterday (Sunday)… Continue Reading

Roses Vanille by Mancera

Hey there Posse! Now that I’ve worked out that Australia is heading towards summer and you lot up north are heading towards the cold I think today’s perfume choice will be perfectly cosy and cuddly for the deep freeze. Mancera… Continue Reading

Spritz Week at Chez Portia

Hiya Posse, I thought instead of a review this week I’d note the things I wore and what to. We are in Spring in Sydney so both Northern and Southern hemispheres are hitting shoulder seasons. I find the crossover of… Continue Reading