Winter Scents – Citrus

Possedarlings!  We’re (and by ‘we’re’ I mean I) in the midst of Bleak Midwinter – except it’s been a wild couple of days – I’m writing this on Friday (because tomorrow and Sunday are Plumbing Day!!!  Wheee!) and today, in… Continue Reading

I did it. So you don’t have to

I’m coining this one #BlameTom even though I think it was me who stomped around this particular tune.  Actually it was BOD, Axe’s low-rent cousin, the stuff of Migraines Yet to Come and can you believe it?  Walmart has BOD… Continue Reading

Fall Feels

Posse!  Tis I, your Mercurial Musette!  Recently Missy March and I were talking about how… unsettled.. we both feel right now – she christened it the Fall Feels – and I am here for it.  Longtime Posse know of my… Continue Reading

What to Wear… when you can wear anything

Posse, my darlings!  Time flies!   This Halloween, it’ll be 4 years since I got bounced from my horrible situation with El O.  FOUR YEARS!  And while there are a few things I miss (all related to business and/or handyman stuff… Continue Reading

Musk redux

Okay, my Posse Peeps – I’mma fake my way through this timeline because I really do NOT have a sense of time (ask me what years I got married/moved/divorced/moved/worked at X – I dares ya!) So… let’s harken back to… Continue Reading

Smelling Good

A few posts back (maybe one of Tom’s?) nope – it was one of Portia’s)  March said “As I get older (?) I find more often what I really want is to just “smell good”  –  and when I read… Continue Reading