Hiya, my darling Posse! It’s Musette, with Musette’s Musings. Because I’m in a Museful frame of mind (and if that’s not a real word it oughta be).
So. Here’s what’s going on in my little world. For reasons unknown to ANYBODY I decided to do a deep dive into sorting and cleaning the Messy Armoire – Oh! I know why I did it. A friend had lent me some Lush and Smell Bent samples and my response was persackly what Shakespeare was talking about – I put them in the MA … and promptly forgot about them. A random email exchange… and suddenly I thought ‘waitaminute! didn’t I abscond with a bunch of his samples?’ – Welp! I tore the armoire apart. And in the course of that tear, found a buncho stuff.
- A seriously vintage metal canister bottle of Tabu. Y’all KNOW where that’s going, right? (waves wildly at Tom). I couldn’t let it go without a quick spritz – and yowza! So, it goes on pretty ‘meh’ – and I figured ‘oh, well. we’ll see what he thinks. Personally? I am not impressed’. 30 minutes later: O.M.G. Whorehouse on Payday. Absolutely Glorious.
We’ll see what he thinks.

Tom will Tell
2. Men. Non-perfumista men, anyway. I have so many gorgeous perfumes. So. Many. A non-P guy was visiting and I asked his opinion on several newer scents, all fabulous. He liked them – but didn’t LIKE any of them. We were in the garden and he picked up a rando bottle on the table….sprayed it… said ‘THIS. WEAR THIS’.
What was the Incredible Mystery Scent?

Le Sigh
Really. REALLY? That’s what makes your eyes roll back in your head and gets you drooling like M. Jacques? Lordt.
(but y’all know I’mo wear this, next time I’m around the Very Inappropriate Man, right? I’ll enjoy my attars in the privacy of my own little life, thank you very much)
3. Home Scents. Apparently I like them – a lot. I have SO MANY home scents. My favorites, Agraria & Trapp, lead the pack – I definitely haz a thing for Agraria Bitter Orange and the Monique Lhuillier Citrus Lily – but you already knew that. Ditto Trapp’s Bob’s Flower Shoppe. I found wax melts. Candles. Diffuser oils. Sprays. More sprays. More melts. More oils. More candles. I would be embarrassed… but dayum! They smell so GOOD!
4. Perfume samples. They are like rabbits. I keep sending them to new homes – and come back to find the hutch awash in baby perfumes! I’mo give a couple of mesh bags away on this very blog! Imagine that!
- Lily perfumes. We are gonna have to talk, Posse. I have over 100 lilies in my garden…..and yet…
but that is for another day. Stay tuned.
6. Lush and Smell Bent samples. FINALLY! Do you know, it took 3 hours for me to find them – tucked in a lovely mesh bag, they were sitting there, snickering at me. ‘you really need to get your eyes checked, Musette. We’re in a WHITE MESH BAG the size of half a loaf of bread. How could you not see us?’. ::grumbles:: ‘jackass samples. Y’all could’ve waved or something’
And guess what? ‘Breath of God’ is still every bit as lovely as it was the first time I smelled it. And yes, it went back to its rightful owner. I am not a Fiend!
so. It’s your turn. Tell me a story – what’re you guys up to these days? I’ll have M. Jacques poke a Very Large Pawnail (sweatergawd this dog is getting bigger by the minute) and we’ll pick two winners for a bunch of samples from the Not Messy Anymore Amoire!
Very inappropriate man? You sure about that?! Nice to have a little crush tho, isn’t it? 😉
I gave my daughter a sample of Bronze Goddess which turned into “I need a full bottle of this!” It’s lovely on her and one of her favorite scents.
Very boring days. Work. Home. Work. Home. etc, etc.
No vacation. No plans. No fun. Oh. But not sick either sooo…I’m ok with all that!
(knock on wood)
Well, I’m sitting here with bated breath awaiting that bottle. I also got a little dab of the perfume from STC, which showed up the nano-second I got hit with a head cold. (Not Covid- despite friends, neighbors, and co-workers getting it I’m still testing negative. So “Do You Tabu, Part Two” will be out next week.
Which is Fathers Day, and the return of the Concours on Rodeo car show. I’ll be there, drooling. Then Monday the 20th is my birthday. I’m going to eat something. Not sure what yet. No booze (seriously disagrees with me) but I think there will be cake.
As for smell bent, they are sadly going out of business. Founder and nose has started a new career that (I think) makes it impossible to run his scent business, which he did from creation to mailing. So if you want some, get them now. smellbent.com
So much fun to sort and clean the messy armoire. I keep my perfume in an armoire as well and it is no longer messy after my last move but needs reorganizing from time to time. How do those sample vials multiply? So fun to sort as we forget what we have to sample. My husband had covid last week, relatively minor symptoms and I managed to not get it. Stayed clear away from him! Guerlain Terracotta was the only suntan scent I wore in the past and it was beautiful in the summer. I hope Tom adores the vintage Tabu! xoxo
Glad your husband’s symptoms were mild! And that you dodged the Covid bullet!
Terracotta is lovely!!!
And Tom Will Let Us Know (I hope).
Love having a vicarious dig thru your Messy Armoire! Bobbi Brown Beach is my Coppertone smell-alike scent for summer. The one time I sniffed Breath of God it smelled like cigarettes and spearmint gum, so no thank you! Hahaha!
OMG! THAT’S the smell!!!!!! Yes. Like the inside of my mother’s handbag, minus the leather.
Beach is gorgeous! I spritzed my decant bone-dry.
looking forward to closing my law office if not my practice in a couple of month. winding the practice down will take longer 🙁 Enjoying a cool, wet summer in PDX. Innnnteresting lookin’ samples you got there!
oh! exciting news! Do you have plans post-practice?
I’m going to have my barber shave some crop circles on the side of my head. Beyond that, it’s more prosaic– travel, gardening, debuting at Carnegie Hall 😉 you know, the yuzh.
LOL! I have the Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen lotion (SPF50 I think) just because it smells so fantastic. And at one point I had a bottle of their tanning oil which I used to put on for the same reason (followed by actual sunscreen.) Seems like other commenters like the same thing; I too enjoy those “tanning oil” frags but figure eh I might as well wear the cheap stuff!
Hawaiian Tropic sets the standard for ‘tanning oil’ frags – because it’s the Ultimate Tanning Oil!!!
Folks really like the smell. And I am one of those ‘folks’.
Men liking sun lotion scents? Hmmm…. I can guess why. Think nubile women in tiny bikinis. Such simple beasties… aawww.
Now stop the teasing n tell all about the highly unsuitable man
LOL! Nope. Nothing to tell just yet. Just a crush.
and yes. I think that smell does conjure that visual. I am so far from ‘nubile’ now… the idea of me in a tiny bikini would strike terror in the heart of nearly everyone. Probably even the dog!
What I’m doing right now is quarantining in a hotel in a small German spa town. Hubby and I caught Covid 8 days into a two week river cruise to celebrate my retirement from teaching. Everyone on the cruise was both vaxxed and boosted, so this was some new variant that caught at least a quarter of the passengers. Germany will let us fly home on Thursday, and I hope this cough lets up by then!
I probably don’t need anymore samples but I’m dying to hear about what else you find in the MA (and definitely more about the Inappropriate Man!)
Oh no! I thought of you when you mentioned your trip, I hope it wasn’t spoiled too much by this! Same for our Ireland trip — five of the 12 (fully boosted) group got COVID.
We did have a wonderful time before the proverbial excrement hit the fan. Very disappointing though, to have this trip end this way. Humbling too – I’d escaped for two plus years, in spite of multiple exposures.
dagNABBIT! Hope you are getting better fastest! As a good friend sez ‘everybody is going to get Covid’ – and I agree. I think the vaxx/boost just helps keep the symptoms less dire. That’s what I’m hoping, at any rate.
My husband’s symptoms have been very mild, though he is having those smell/taste issues. I have a terrible bronchial cough (my body’s response to most viruses) and will likely need to get checked out at home. And home sounds really good right now – should be there after a looonnnggg travel day tomorrow.
Sadly, Smell Bent started it’s clearance sale today and will soon be no more. Was able to score FB of Wednesday and I Would Die 4 U at first light. Sadly 2.0, Breath of God HATES me and sits in storage.
It’s the end of an era, that’s for sure. Brent is a talented perfumer!
Breath of God HATES you? Yikes!!!
I’m glad Tom will get to try the real Tabu. It was supposedly one the first Oriental perfumes. And I like “Whorehouse on Payday” much much more than “a perfume a prostitute would wear”. 😉 It IS glorious.
2 is funny, though I also am a big fan of Bronze Goddess.
Now to survive this heat wave……….
it’s 94F here (right now, 3p-ish on Tuesday) and it feels like the surface of the sun (though there is an occasional errant breeze that isn’t blistering hot…go figure)
My tia was a madam in her early adult life (later she became hyper-respectable, in that Judge Roy Bean way) and my mother used to use that phrase all the time – apparently the girls would spend their wages on high-end perfume and the house would REEK!
Well, okay, suntan scents are a thing – Guerlain Terracotta is mine. But it’s not haute parfumerie. Most guys have more pedestrian tastes. ;-). Except my husband, who wears MKK and Fumerie Turque.
Excited to be getting out of the back of beyond and heading to civilization next week, can’t wait. Of course it will be a 3,000 mile drive to Montréal but my crazy husband wants to drive even though it would cost half as much to fly (insert eye roll). Because he wants to bring his bicycle. Sigh.
Anyway, it will be fun!!
wow! That is a hella drive! Be safe. And it should be a fun time – why not!?
Terracotta is lovely!
The 1960’s scent of Bain de Soleil was wonderful and intoxicating to me, even though it gave no burn protection at all. In the same years, Charles of the Ritz had Revenescence lotion with an appealing scent.
I remember the magazine ads for Tabu – provocative for the time – but never smelled it.
ooh! I remember Bain de Soleil but don’t remember the scent. Must investigate…
Does Coppertone come in Eau de Parfum? Too bad. Loved your musings. I’ll have to try Breath of God again.
It might as well, Pam, since it probably offers minimal sun protection! Smells great, though!
I have to admit I luuuv suntan lotion scents. Bronze Goddess is my summer go to. ?
Suntan lotion scents are fabulous!! I just find it funny that, amidst all the glorious perfumes we were testing….. he grabs Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen and falls out in ecstasy? okaaay…