Crank the heat: Warm-up scents to keep the cold at bay

I know, I know, most everyone’s cold right about now (save for those lucky souls in sunny climes like California, Arizona, Hawaii, and those in the Southern Hemisphere). And some poor folks have had snow up to their eyeballs. And… Continue Reading

Go big or go home: Powerhouse scents

One recent dreary morning I could hardly drag myself out of bed and get moving. Cold, drizzly, gray, no sun in sight for the whole day: What’s a girl (or guy) to do? So I put on my favorite royal-blue… Continue Reading

Under the radar (body products): Laura Mercier Ambre Vanille Souffle Body Creme

Perfume Education 101

Laura Mercier has always impressed me as a great brand: pretty, dependable, quality products, with nothing in its line too odd or weird. Just good, solid, wearable stuff, with fragrances and body items that lean to the gourmand. Not to… Continue Reading

Seville a l’Aube: Beauty tempered by sadness

Hello, dear Posse peeps, I’m writing this post today with mixed emotions. On the positive side: Today my wonderful husband and I celebrate 24 years of being happily married. But on a sad note, this weekend was the funeral of… Continue Reading

Gardenia Perfume Redux – Arquiste Boutonniere & Serge Lutens Une Voix Noire & winners

I have so missed gardenia perfumes, and we have two more to add to the gardenia perfume list – Arquiste Boutonniere and Serge Lutens Une Voix Noire.   We also have the winners of the Best Perfumes for Fall, the… Continue Reading