Hey Ho Posse. Still Life in Rio is a next gen of Still Life from the Olfactive Studio original trio. Today I’m wearing it from the Fresh & Cool set of 5 x 4ml spray samples. Yeah, I’m not sure exactly where it came from TBH. Maybe as a GWP in an order or purchased, could be anything really. It seems they don’t make the set anymore but you can still buy samples reasonably from the company site. I’ve previously talked here about others in the line up, most recently Ombre Indigo. So let’s talk about Still Life in Rio.
Still Life in Rio by Olfactive Studio
Olfactive Studio gives these featured accords:
Top: Yuzu, Ginger, Mint, Lemon, Mandarin
Heart: Jamaican Hot Peppers, Pink Pepper, Black Pepper, Coconut Water Accord
Base: Rum, Brazilian Copaiba Balm, Leathery Notes
Many of you (including me) tried this at some point or other. With the line being such a knockout Still Life in Rio seemed to get left well behind in my list of favourites. In fact I remember wishing it had been a LOT more interesting. Still Life? Dead. In all honesty I think it might have suffered from being a perfectly formed wallflower in a sniffing frenzy of pugnacious extrovert perfumes vying for most outrageous and/or confrontational. So many times they have scored the shopping gong and rarely get a spritz once I’m choosing daily wear frags at home.
Is this a common perfumista problem?
Anyway. How does it smell? Still Life in Rio opens fresh, spicy, ginger citrus and a very vetiver feeling slightly oily greenery. The mint is background until that initial lip puckeringly tart juiciness passes. Then that fireworks opening calms noticeably. Mint, citrus, chilli (actually it’s more like cutting into a capsicum) and the smoothing influence of coconut water and some resinous unmentioneds take us into the heart. This is my favourite part of the ride. It works perfectly with the sunset photograph the fragrance is moulded around. Sparkling gold welcoming the cool of evening in a calm and dignified way, maybe even a little melancholy, overwhelmed by the beauty.

Still Life In Rio by Flávio Veloso
As we head towards dry down my nose starts to notice the black pepper and my throat gets the dry ache I associate with the perfume note. The whole fragrance becomes more smooth underneath the crackly pepper and we get a very nice dual action going. I even get remnants of the citruses in a pithy, vegetal musk kinda way. It continues much the same till its very last gasp.
Designed as unisex. Longevity good and while not projecting very far if you are wishing the close sphere of someone wearing Still Life In Rio it will catch your attention. Low key but utterly gorgeous.
Have you tried it?
Portia xx
Every Olfactive Studio scent I sniff were very samey to me. All my poor little snout could smell from any of the first 4 was pencil shavings. Never tried any further releases.
I adore chilli pepper/capiscum notes. DH has the foodie AMen & the coffee/chilli pepper in that is seriously gorgeous.
Now there’s an idea for my STC voucher. A chilli pepper scented sample pack
OOOOH! That would be a very cool pack Alityke.
Bummer about Olfactive Studios all smelling the same to you,
Portia xx
You’re almost forcing me to get the samples..
Ha! You’re sweet Tom.
I miss your stupid face.
Portia xx
This does sound lovely in a low-key way, I’d guess I’d like it very much. And yes, I still end up going back and discovering some scent I basically dismissed because I was too busy being wowed by another scent in the line.
I think we all do it March.
Problem is, when meeting a new line you’re on a time budget. Rarely while shopping do I have the time to wear a perfume for a couple of hours before trying the next in the line. One of the reasons STC is so important to my ability to blog. All in its own time.
Portia xx
I agree with Cinnamon. This scent sounds ideal for a tropical vacation. Here on the Winter Solstice that sounds pretty nice. I feel like hibernating at the moment. Thanks Portia!
Hey DinaC,
It’s midsummer here and I also feel like hibernating. Slept in till 10am this morning. It felt so decadent and delightful.
Portia xx
Funny you’re reviewing this line-I bought Iris Shot, and it just came in . The little 15 ml size. I’ll try it over Christmas and tell you what I think 🙂 I always enjoy your reviews, Portia-thanks !
Ah Carole!Thank you.
I love the Shot series. Currently Vanilla and Leather are in the wardrobe. Can’t wait to hear if you love Iris,
Portia xx
Jamaican hot peppers, rum. Hmmm… This has a lot of interesting notes. Makes me want to visit some place warm and beachy. But I sort of want to do that anyway given it’s cold and grey here, and very windy today as Storm Pia is passing by.
HA! Well, maybe you can take yourself on a perfume holiday. Drench yourself in something tropical, lie down and close your eyes, let yourself drift on a cloud of fragrant fantasy.
I love to do this Cinnamon, especially when I’m feeling a bit mental health 50/50.
Portia xx