Half Baked: Or, I got nothin’

Well I have to admit I was sort of thwarted here. After a spurt of planning (and posting) ahead, I just figured that I was going to cruise through, then realised that I didn’t really have anything for today ready.… Continue Reading

Sea Cruise: Patou Voyageur

Well, the heat is back. At least for the next few days. Not as bad as it could be and not as bad as it is in the desert, but enough to make the walk to the grocery store kind… Continue Reading

Turning to Comfort: A whine

Well, the heat is back on. With humidity, today at 80% according to my neighbor. And while it is not going to stop me from whining about it (in an, I hope, mildly amusing fashion) I do have to point… Continue Reading

Birthdays, Beauty Events, and More Whining..

Well, first off, a bit of news: I received an email from Serge Lutens reading that Datura Noir and Clair de Musc have been resurrected in the form of bell jars, available to order from the mothership at $305 for… Continue Reading

Summer Rerun: Andy Tauer Hyacinth and a Mechanic

Well, this one is actually kind of a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, since it dates back so long. But it starts with ennui. I do have things sitting on my desk that I should be looking at.… Continue Reading

Off Topic: One Ringy Dingy- Old Telephones.

I have a bit of a thing for old technology. I have a couple of fat-bellied old AM Radio that are fairly useless in that there is practically nothing on AM radio these days- and I hear that those wavelengths… Continue Reading

Old Softie: Avon Skin So Soft

So last weeks post about Avon seemed to be a fairly popular, and never being one to let a chance to ride a train right off the rails get away, I decided to go forth and actually get some of… Continue Reading