Portia’s Christmas Perfumes

Hi there Posse. I’m sorry. Got just about nothing much so, I thought we could look at the Christmas Perfumes I wore in sunny, summery Sydney. What I do have is a groaningly full stomach, yes even on Boxing Day… Continue Reading

Spice Must Flow by Etat Libre d’Orange 2019

Hey there Perfume Posse! How many Dune nerds are in the house? Spice Must Flow is part of a duet released 2019 and just in time for the holiday season spicy incense wearing perfumistas to get their Spicy Oriental glam… Continue Reading

Our Moment by One Direction

Hi there Perfume Posse. Today I’d like it if we could chat about Our Moment by One Direction from 2013. Yep, I know. It’s hardly highbrow fragrance, in fact it’s a decidedly low brow section of the perfume market; Celebuscents.… Continue Reading

NEW Hedonist & Viktoria Minya Interview

Hey there Posse! I’ve been chatting to Viktoria from the Hedonist house of fragrances. I TOTALLY knew you’d be excited to read about the new stuff going on for her. This is a short & sweet interview about her, Hedonist… Continue Reading

NYC New York City by Santi Burgas 2019

NYC New York City! One of the coolest, funnest, most frantic and magical places on earth. Let’s talk about how the Santi Burgas NYC New York City fragrance smells. Continue Reading

Rose & Cuir by Frédéric Malle 2019

Hi there Posse. Not so long ago I got a Surrender To Chance pack in the mail, always cause for excitement. Rose & Cuir by Frédéric Malle was one of the 3ml decants I ordered. It’s had a couple of… Continue Reading

Stairway To Heaven by Jul et Mad 2019

Hey there Posse! Went down to the Post Office and there was a package from Jul et Mad. ALWAYS exciting when I get one of these. Anna Maria and I opened it right there in the shop and spritzed ourselves… Continue Reading