Petroleum by Histoires de Parfums

Hi Posse, Weird assed perfumes only perfumistas could love? Yes please. I have a bunch of the here. Mostly they don’t get much wear but get brought out for sniffs and at-home journeys. It feels like a luxury to own… Continue Reading


Sideman: a supporting musician in a jazz band or rock group. Posse, does that sound like the magnificent Miles Davis to you?  I was all set for a cage match on that term (used in conjunction with an article on… Continue Reading

Scent. Memory. Muse.

Hoth-level Cold.  I’m barely opening the door to get the mail, that’s how COLD it is.  So I’m stuck at home, with plenty of time to muse.  And this is how it starts. This morning, after I put 90 minutes… Continue Reading

JAR Ferme Tes Yeux by TOM

Guess what Posse! TOM just sent me this piece on JAR Ferme Tes Yeux and Ava Gardner. It’s been so long and he doesn’t have access to the Posse back area on his computer anymore. Yes, I’ll take that up… Continue Reading

Crap Present Fallout

Hey Posse! HAPPY NEW YEAR! For everyone who got rubbish presents over the giving season, time to buy something for you that you’ll love. I get it. Almost everyone leaves their gift buying till last. Suddenly they are running through… Continue Reading

Sweet and Fruity Fragrances

Sweet and Fruity Fragrances

Hi Posse, Thought you might all be well over the talk of celebration, family, food and gifting. Let’s chat today about some of my favourite sweet and fruity beauties. This is such a reviled subsection of the perfumistas lexicon. I… Continue Reading

Christmas Already! WTF!

Hey Posse SUDDENLY it’s Christmas is less than three weeks! I can’t believe it’s Christmas Already. No matter what your religion or lack of you must still have noticed how quickly this years celebrations have rolled around. Here in Sydney… Continue Reading