Booty Call!
by Anita This is not a perfume review but I did sniff a buncho scents while I was gathering the info, if that counts for anything… 1999– I am twitching down Michigan Avenue in a nip-waisted suit and Maud Frizon… Continue Reading
by Anita This is not a perfume review but I did sniff a buncho scents while I was gathering the info, if that counts for anything… 1999– I am twitching down Michigan Avenue in a nip-waisted suit and Maud Frizon… Continue Reading
Hey, everyone, welcome to the Results of the Signature Scent Challenge – your chance to report on how wearing the same scent for a week worked out for you, or just to laugh and mock the rest of us. Let’s… Continue Reading
Also known as the not-used-often-enough “Let Patty buy it so you don’t have to” post. When we were at Barney’s in New York, sticking our noses deep in the Malle candles — Wait, can I just say that as much… Continue Reading
This post is dedicated to all of you, particularly those of you who own fragrances you find less than stellar due to an unsniffed purchase triggered by rave reviews. You know you’re a perfumista if: You’ve bought something unsniffed… Continue Reading
– by Anita I’m mildly vexed that I am not autumning in New York at the Sniffa Fall Ball, it’s still a week to the World Percheron Congress so in the meantime Im’o be a bit Crabalicious! What’s the stuff… Continue Reading
By March When I’m not talking to Robin at Now Smell This about perfume, we might be chatting about tea (in which she is the resident expert) or chocolate, a subject dear to our hearts. We’re doing a joint post… Continue Reading
By March It must be tedious to read a perfume review that winds up saying, well, of course, if you want the good stuff you need to have smelled it back in The Day. You know — back before they… Continue Reading