I did it. So you don’t have to

I’m coining this one #BlameTom even though I think it was me who stomped around this particular tune.  Actually it was BOD, Axe’s low-rent cousin, the stuff of Migraines Yet to Come and can you believe it?  Walmart has BOD… Continue Reading

OPP and Late Summer Reading

Welp!  Posse, Labor Day has come and gone and with it most of the vestiges of Summer.  Mornings are darker.  And cooler.  Nights are, well, nightier.  And cooler.  Even the hotter days (and we’ve had a few) have a very… Continue Reading

Ooey Gooey Goodness

“omg!  your skin is GORGEOUS!” is a compliment nearly everyone likes…right? I mean… nobody wants to hear ‘wow!  your skin looks like Salt Flats’… do they?  I didn’t think so. And as I age I am more and more focused… Continue Reading

Fruit Leathers

Posse!… it’s January in the Midwest.  Leather Weather, right?  Welll..Not So Fast.  Here’s the thing: in the deep depths of Winter the ‘typical’ leathers, those heavy hitters like the Cuir de Russies (alladem) Mme. Laurent’s Treizieme Heures (yikes!!!) and the brutal,… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings – and a Giveaway!

Hiya, my darling Posse!  It’s Musette, with Musette’s Musings.  Because I’m in a Museful frame of mind (and if that’s not a real word it oughta be). So.  Here’s what’s going on in my little world.  For reasons unknown to… Continue Reading