OPP and Late Summer Reading

Welp!  Posse, Labor Day has come and gone and with it most of the vestiges of Summer.  Mornings are darker.  And cooler.  Nights are, well, nightier.  And cooler.  Even the hotter days (and we’ve had a few) have a very… Continue Reading

Musings, Winners, Giveaway, oh, my!

Hi, Posse!  It’s Musings Time, I’ve got winners, I’mo do a Giveaway!  Can you tell it’s SPRING?! So.  I. Haz. Questions. I work out.  Daily.  Strength Training. Flex Training.  All the Training.  Yet… One day in the garden and I… Continue Reading

Being Still

Being Still.  What a concept (this is a continuation of my last Musings post – sorry, guess I’m still in that zone) Everyone’s  (rightly) been talking/writing about what a shittastic year it was and while mine was no exception, there… Continue Reading

Winners. Ebola (no). Giveaway. Staph. (maybe). Pumpkin (no latte)

So.  This is what happens when you go to Urgent Care in these times. “Huh.  Yeah.  Could be an allergic reaction/contact dermatitis.  Could be staph.  They (the ick on my back & neck) kinda look similar.”   Well alrighty then!… Continue Reading