Vintage Coty Chypre and My Comfort Zone

We have been a bit about our comfort zones, lately, whether staying in them or breaking out of them, or merely musing about how ours may be a little bit different than others and might be decidedly less comforting to… Continue Reading

By Kilian Musk Oud, Dark Knight, and In the Garden of Good and Evil- Voulez-Vous Couchez Avec Moi

First, let’s talk about the weather. If you are in the US you likely saw on the news that Los Angeles County had a blizzard watch, the first one in decades. Snow levels were expected to fall to under 2000… Continue Reading

Bread: Or, The One Where I am Lazy

Okay, so I am joining the “Brief” team and certainly surpassing it, Surpassing it because I have no excuse for not having much to write about except that I had nothing to do on the long weekend and decided to… Continue Reading

Aftelier Cepes & Tuberose, Wild Roses and Memento Mori

Well, thanks again for the well wishes. This flu was short but punchy- a few days of fever, sneezing, general ick followed by a (more than normal) urge to bite people. Work of course does not stop for anyone merely… Continue Reading

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Serge Lutens Tubereuse Criminelle

Well if you tuned in last week you will have noted that this weeks review was supposed to be part of that one. But I got so into my flirtation with Fracas that I plum didn’t feel like it. Not… Continue Reading

Warning Shot: Robert Piguet Fracas

Well, last week were the rains, and they are now for the moment, gone. The Santa Ana winds are coming up, oddly not as hot as they would be in a Chandler novel, but I am told it’s the direction… Continue Reading